Day 7
I am grateful for being able to write my blog. Writing isn't always so easy for me but I do find it a great stress releaser.
I am grateful to have been able to walk the hallowed fields of Gettysburg. To be able to walk where America's fate was decided is extremely moving. Walking it with Lori made it even more special.
I am grateful for my friendships here online. Many,many people I have talked with here have become good friends who take the time to talk with me as well.
Day 8
I am grateful for having the love of classic Hollywood. The cheetah and myself watched The Jack Benny show on a collection I recently picked up. Jack can still crack me up even after all these years.
I am grateful that both Michigan and Michigan State got that ass handed to them last Saturday!
It made watching my San Jose State getting steamrolled by Auburn a little easier to take Monday morning. The truth be told,all three lost to better teams and all three played hard. And again,thanks to my friend Sue for letting me watch the game at her house.
I am grateful that my friend Gary Avila and his family walked the Relay for Life. Gary lost his wife a few years and he walks the Race. This year he reached out to some of us who have lost a loved one and included us in his walk.
Day 9
Grateful for my power STILL being on as we are still having some rough weather.
Grateful that the Yankees managed to eek out the season series against the Tigers....yes,I am rooting for the Tigers EXCEPT when they play the Yanks. But this win was sweeter as I won 5 Dr. Pepper's from a buddy. Hey,small things like this mean a lot!
I am grateful to have been able to watch Candye Kane a couple of weeks ago. It has made me want to see some other artists who are touring.
Day 10.
I am grateful that I was able to stop my basement from suffering heavy damage after today's
big storm. Still lost some stuff but it could have been a LOT worse. Thanks to my job for letting me stay home to work on it.
I am grateful for Lori's Angels....Terrie,Karen and Melanie. Not a day goes by that I don't think of their hard work,courage and love they showed us and to every patient under their wings. I am so thankful for them!
I am grateful to Crash sit this weekend!!
Day 11
I am grateful that men like BC Orio Palmer still walk this earth. Chief Palmer lost his life on 11 September 2001 along with over 3,000 souls. Do yourself a favor and look up Orio's story on YouTube....and bring kleenex.
I am grateful its college football season.
I am grateful we as a nation are once again talking about domestic violence/terrorism.
We need to love and cherish who we are with....and if you are in a relationship where its just not working,walk away from it. Don't hurt anyone.....

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