Day 5:
Grateful that I get another chance to Crash sit my neighbor's cat. He is a very sweet cat and I enjoy "talking" with him while I leave his owner a "diary" of our visit.
I am grateful that I was invited over for dinner while watching San Jose State play at Auburn. The game wasn't as we Spartans had hoped but we did bloody their noses a bit and we'll see them again next year...
I am very grateful I didn't lose power after our storms last night when over 380,000 households did.
DTE was telling folks that it could be days before power is restored,a lot of folks are going to lose a lot of food,many who struggle to put that food on their tables.
Day 6
Grateful to my dear friend Deb who generously gave Paladin a 25.00 Petco card in which I was able to buy him both food and a couple cans of good cat food. When one is struggling to stay afloat,small things like this mean a whole lot me!!
I am grateful for the beautiful day we had today,sunny with just a hint of a chill in the air.
I am grateful I am loved. I do my best to hold on to that every day.
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