Its 12:27 am
*warning...this post has some salty language,so if you are easily offended....this entry is not for you.
Summer decided to leave SE Michigan for a couple of days as yesterday we had a massive thunderstorm hit our area with heavy rain,winds and hail. I was at work and as the sky grew darker by the second,we waited for the deluge to hit us. Soon...we could hear the sound of rain hitting our roof....but it only lasted 5 minutes. For the all that sudden dark cloud cover,it was rather anti-climatic.
My co-workers and I were commenting on the sad size of the storm while waiting for the sun to come out. And come out it did...even while it was still raining. We continued to work and a couple of hours later,the scene repeated itself but the second round was the real deal...this storm just pounded our area.
It lasted a hour before it ended,we had to put some buckets out because we had some leaking in the store.
I like to take a minute to thank everyone who supported my newest "8 Questions with...." interview with Karen Dumas. This interview not only has gotten the most comments on my blog but is now the 2nd most viewed in my series. I am very grateful not only to Karen but to everyone who took a moment to comment.
My next two interviews,with professional photographer Suzanne West and musician Dave Miller of the band Talky Tina are in the chute and will be online soon.
Had a weird day...I tweeked my elbow at the job this past week...normally that would send someone to our healthcare clinic but I decided to wait and work out the week because we had a crew working overnight polishing our floors and I was asked if I would stay over to help reset the aisles after they were done. I agreed and so I worked it through. I have had sprained ligaments before but this time its a little different as I think I have pinched a nerve as I have numbness all the way to my fingertips. Its not painful but I do notice a weakness in my hand so I decided to go yesterday to the clinic but the one closest to us was closed. So my ASM said to go today,Monday. Now I have only been there once in 2.5 years with the company and I had a idea of where it was at 11:00 am I headed to the clinic and promptly spent the next three hours looking for the damn place and that was with even asking for directions. I thought I had overshot it and gotten the street address wrong so I backtracked to where I thought it was but to my chagrin,I was wrong again. Now I know many of you are wondering,use your cell phone and find this place...well that is why I asked three different businesses where it was at...I mean,doesn't a industrial medical clinic have to standout??

So after fruitlessly driving in 3 big circles in busy traffic looking for this place,I pulled the chute and headed home where I looked up the address and all three businesses had given me the wrong information and that included one using Google Maps!!! I didn't feel so foolish afterwards but I also don't think I have been to this place as I had originally thought.
So tomorrow morning I will venture once again into the mix to have my elbow looked at. I hope its something that can be dealt with easily as we are headed into our inventory time and we need all the help we can bring to get this done....I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Its almost time for my fellow pals to drag me to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" which has been getting decent reviews and I guess based on pre-sold ticket sales,already has been green lighted for a sequel. I know my fellow fanboys will over the moon to hear this bit of news....but I am on record as not being impressed and while I do think James Gunn is a talented director,I just can't get over with the changes from the source material which I have written about over and over. But you know Disney is going to make cute Rocket and Groot toy figures and cram this film down our throats. But based on the rather underwhelming Spider-Man 2 movie and the X-Men film (which I don't hear ANYONE talking about now) this is not a wise course of action...movies that ignore the audience that made them possible in the first place tend to crash and burn quite loudly (Catwoman and Green Lantern anyone?).
The one bit of good news is this sudden interest in the Guardians has sparked a new series from Marvel featuring the original GOTG team and I'm pretty happy about that.
Its 2:24 pm - Tuesday
Just got back from my 2nd attempt to find this medical center,I did my homework this time and was able to finally find it. I got the usual work clinic treatment plan:
1. 800 mg motrin
2. a x-ray (on a sprained ligament,this was not needed but hey,they have to bilk,err,bill my company somehow)
3 Psychical Therapy
I have to admit,my arm was a lot more sore then I thought so being put on light duty isn't such a bad thing but since there really isn't too many things under 5 pounds,I don't know how this is going to work out. I also had my feet looked at and I have corns....lovely,right? But now that I know this,I can go online to find out the best way to get rid of them.
And one last thing about my TMI trip to the clinic....I am not the only one who has not been able to find this place,it happens quite a bit actually. But next time,I will be ready...I may not have a phone but I do have a iPad...which could have saved me so much trouble yesterday,all I would have had to do is go to a WiFi hotspot and well....look for this place myself....
Been watching the Ray Rice circus play out this week in the press. Rice is a football player who knocked out his fiancee while they were in a hotel elevator. He was charged with assault but quickly married because a wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband.
The NFL turned its head yet again on a domestic violence/sexual assault case against one of its bigger stars and only suspended Rice for two games. The dumb fucks at ESPN condoned the violence,led by Stephen the Ass Smith,which after a harsh backlash,was given a paid one week vacation after his half assed apology.
But the one that floored me was the lead in on ESPN radio...."With Rice suspended two games,how will this impact Baltimore's offense"?
Excuse me???What the fuck is THAT all about??? The man knocked out his fiancee cold,scrapes by with a slap on the wrist by the justice system (remember women,you aren't anything by a babymaker or target practice),a even lighter slap by the NFL and the only thing ESPN is concerned about is how this is going to effect the Raven's offense????
Its things like this why I follow sports less and less these days,I have no real passion for anything pro related because of assholes who commit these kind of acts to the even bigger assholes who condone it.
Like the knucklehead Ravens fans who gave Ray Rice a standing O when he hit the field..the moral decay of America is continuing to gather more and more steam.
My brothers and I saw domestic violence up close and personal and it is not pretty. There is nothing to condone or excuse hitting a woman for any reason. When I worked the clubs,I had to break up a few girl on girl fights and yes,I got scratched and even hit a couple of times but never have I even raised a finger against a woman.
I don't understand the reasoning behind it,if both parties are that worked up....the man needs to walk AWAY and let things settle down. It should never escalate to where violence is introduced. But what more can I say,men are the weaker of the two sexes. Its the truth and until men learn how to communicate with their better halves,Americans will continue to see the rise of violence on women and sadly,some will even give it a standing ovation.
And while I am up on my soapbox....I listen to a local sports talk station as I drive home at night. Selling ads on talk radio is a extremely tough job,CBS owns the radio station I listen to and they are ALWAYS looking for "young bright professionals" who want to sell ads. The thing is,NO ONE really wants to buy a fully produced ad. They will go the budget route and have the personality with the highest listening audience read a ad copy instead of paying for a radio produced one.
The late night shift is the graveyard for ads in radio,no one buys ads for the 1:30 am spot on Lesson and Leach. Many times,you will hear the host comment on the open lines and try and get you to call in. Open lines mean no one is bothering to call the show,the host is on his/her own until someone decides to call.
Many of the ads are state funded Public Services Ads (PSAs) with a few federal ones thrown in by the Department of Homeland Security.
But the ones that crack me up are the gambling hear various folks talk about how gambling has ruined their lives and a voice over actor says if you have a gambling problem,call this number. What it fails to do is address that the STATE has created this problem by allowing casinos to invade the state so they can collect a wad of cash...they have led these folks down the road of destruction. I find it sort of twisted the same money the state collects for taxes on the casinos is then used to warn of the risks of gambling! What kind of logic is that?
Okay....I am off my soapbox. Just had to get that out there...
Alright,I am going to end this....I know this wasn't the most cheerful entry you have read here but not everything is peaches and cheetahs....sometimes even a blogger has to cut to loose a little bit.
For those who stayed in the drift with me on this one....thanks for understanding.
If you are on Twitter,please,follow me @Jinzo_2400
Shout outs
Camille and Mocha - Sending you love and peace
Stephen Clark - thank you for your honest feedback and I will get better.
Pat Caputo and Tom Leyden - Thanks for letting me be a one man army for tiny EMU on your pages.
My friends on the "Plateau"...your support and RTs are just awesome!
Sydney - Glad you are back writing
Ken Helwig - Where do you want the Dodgers to send your broom to??
Ivy - Hope your vacation is going well! Should have asked for a URI sweater!
Tim Teets - Can't wait to see your shirts and your new project
Rachel Thompson - Thanks for giving us a bloggers a voice! #MondayBlogs
The Fluffy Twins - just because
Cheryl - For helping me find my feet
Jessica Clackum - for The Last Ship recaps,I have read them all!
A little bit of everything across mixed media and a great post - and a salty headsup.
Thank you...I just wanted my readers to know I was in a very rare grumpy mood...thank you so much for your comment!
DeleteWe have been having colder weather too. Took my daughter to the park and was so surprised at how chilly and windy it was.
ReplyDeleteMichelle F.
Our summer has been very mild actually...its going to be a short one as well as our trees are already turning colors..
DeleteThis was a great read. You have a very large soapbox (in a good way). I'm actually very excited to see Guardians of the Galaxy. While I never read the comic books, I think the trailers look great.
ReplyDeleteI read the spoiler for it and am not even waiting my money of this mess...will wait til it hits DVD and then have a buddy burn me a copy. So disappointed at how Marvel created this....
DeleteJust to play devils advocate, how often do you see companies getting involved when their employees are involved in a domestic abuse case? I don't think it is too often. I understand that athletes are in the public eye better than 99% of people out there, and think it is great that the NFL has taken some action. However, athletes need to be able to live their life as well- and if this woman chose to marry him anyways, to a degree thats just her own fault. Most people's work ends at 4 or 5 PM, whenever they walk out of the office, and their company has nothing to do with them on their free time. When do athletes get free time- because it certainly seems that the public is more than willing to critique them, their family, and their actions 100% of the time, when really their job is not a 24/7 one.
ReplyDeleteThere is no other side when domestic violence is concerned Samantha. A professional athlete gets zero breaks just because he can score a goal,touchdown or hit a home run. The NFL and Roger Godell should be damned ashamed of the slap of the wrist they gave Rice. Samantha,Rice knocked his fiancee out cold....and while I don't agree with her choice to stay with Rice,it was not her fault that he beat her senseless in a elevator.
DeleteYou point out that a pro athlete is looked at closer then a average Joe...yep,he sure does. And he also gets treated with much more favoritism as well....the average Joe would have not had charges dropped or had 22,000 people give him a standing ovation...and I am sorry,are we NOT to critique them when they lay out a wife or a girlfriend? Do you want us to turn our head away simply because they are a paid athlete?
I am certainly not condoning what he did, and truthfully I think she is not that smart of a person if she chose to stay with him. However, it is not my life, and sometimes you just have to let people make stupid decisions.
DeleteWhat I am saying is that in general, employers do not get involved in their employees personal lives. The NFL (employer) becoming involved and suspending him (the employee) for two games (quite a bit of pay) is certainly a punishment. If the general public is willing to push for employers to be involved in employees personal lives, then I feel it needs to apply to everyone.
The reason I feel this way is because of my husband's job. It is a JOB. By their schedule, professional athletes usually get 3-4 days off per month. Even on those days off, if you drink a beer out in public, it is often reported to the GM. He's had people tell his GM when he was playing Xbox at midnight. No other employee would ever receive this amount of criticism for actions that are perfectly normal. The general public never gives athletes (or celebrities, for that matter) a break- and often, they deserve one more than anybody else.
I just do not understand why these athletes get away with everything.. I mean he knocked her out.. he should have to pay some kind of penalty somewhere some how.
ReplyDeleteagreed.....guess he can say it was a case of affluenza....
DeleteGuardians of the Galaxy is going to be an amazing movie, I just know it!
ReplyDeleteLet me know what you think of it!
DeleteI'm sorry about your elbow! I totally feel you about the pinched nerve..I did Insanity too hard and pinched a nerve in my leg. It's pretty awful! I also have been watching the whole Ray Rice controversy.. he needs to be held accountable for his actions.
ReplyDeleteAgreed but sadly he has escaped justice simply because he plays for the Ravens....pretty sad actually.
DeleteHope your elbow feels better! My kids are really looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy. Although I will admit that I had never heard of it before the trailers were released.
ReplyDeleteLet me know what your kids thought of the movie....
DeleteSorry to hear that you hurt your elbow and hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeletethank you Bonnie
DeleteGuardians of the Galaxy seems a bit...weird. But weird can be good. I will withhold judgment until I see it. I'm not familiar with the original story, so there won't be any of the usual (comic) book to movie adaptation disappointment.
ReplyDeleteThe original team was a real hoot to read and was one of my favorites growing up...its worth looking up and now Marvel is starting a new series with the team...
DeleteI just heard about the Rice thing today. I really hope your elbow gets to feeling better.
ReplyDeletePretty sad about the Rice affair.....and my elbow is getting better!
DeleteAthletes get away with everything. Thanks for all the news.
ReplyDeleteSure seems like that more and more,doesn't it?
DeleteWe saw Guardians already and loved it! Don't think you'll be disappointed
ReplyDeleteI'm boycotting it! *LOL*
DeleteI am watching Birds of Prey instead
Interesting post. When you were mentioning your elbow I though about how I have had a surgery on both arms for my ulnar nerve. I so dislike domestic violence. I will have to read more on that story. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rebecca! Don't think I will be needing surgery thank heaven!
DeleteI have to disagree entirely with your assessment of Guardians of the s never abandon the concepts that fans enjoy about their properties, and Guardians of the Galaxy is no exception to that. I see no changes that ignore their fans. Rotten Tomatoes has a 95-100 rating on the movie, that speaks volumes. What's happened with spider-man and x-men has nothing to do with Marvel - they didn't make those movies.
ReplyDeleteYou have to go back and read the history of the characters to understand why this movie holds zero interest for me....not too many people know enough about the characters....and the alterations they did just have corrupted the film for old fanboys like myself
DeleteHope your elbow gets better soon. Great post!
ReplyDeletethank you!!
DeleteWow, that post certainly covered a lot of ground. I hope that your elbow heals quickly.
ReplyDeletethank you!
DeleteI hope your elbow starts to feel better soon. Thanks for posting.
DeleteAthletes seem to be in an untouchable bubble when it comes to certain things like breaking the law. It drives me nuts that there are different rules for different people.
ReplyDeleteme sours the whole experience of following a sport....
DeleteI hadn't heard about the standing ovation. That is very backwards, and I am glad it was just one person. Better to be none, but thank goodness no one else joined in :( I am in full agreement about domestic violence never being okay.
ReplyDeleteYep....22,000 fans stood and gave Rice a standing "O"...stay classy Ravens's fans. Thanks for commenting Rosey!
DeleteHope the storm is already out of your country. Guardians of Galaxy is already showing in cinemas here. I pray for the quick recovery of your elbow.
ReplyDeletethank you Kath!
DeleteI think I'm gonna watch the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, still waiting for weekend tho lol
ReplyDeletedon't do it!!! wait for the DVD
DeleteDomestic violence is the worst thing in human behavior. I can understand the need to fight to protect the home or country, but not the urge to hit your partner.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely ranks very high on the list,that is for sure, Just pathetic to see 22,000 people condone and support that kind of person who does that...
DeleteWhat a mixed post (as always.)
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for domestic violence!
Thank you Sophie,isn't America a weird place?? And its so sad that domestic violence is still being talked about. As men,we can do much better....
Deletesorry to hear about your elbow! i am as well not feeling well haha i had detoc massage the other day and i can feel all the sudden strange sickness after that. though i am doing good. will watch the guardian of the galaxy tomorrow with my fam!
ReplyDeleteHope the massage helps you feel better,Mary Jane!
DeleteGoing to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, next week. I am hearing a lot of great things about this movie.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, so sorry to hear about your elbow.
Let me know what you think of the movie,Robert...and thank you for dropping by...